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Discussion of Problem 1837. Isenbaev's Number

WA #11
Posted by Alexander31 23 Aug 2014 05:41
People, please, help me.
I got WA 11. Can anybody give me test?
Here is my solution:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>

 using namespace std;

int minimum(int arr[300][300], map < int, string > Num, map < string, int >L, int cur)

    int min_ = 100499;

    for (int i = 0; i < cur; ++i)

        if (arr[cur][i] && L[Num[i]] < min_)

            min_ = L[Num[i]];

    return min_;


void Level_up(map < string, int >Nam, map < int, string > Num, map < string, int >&Lev, int sz, int arr[300][300])

    for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {

        int level = Lev[Num[i]];

        if (!level && Num[i] != "Isenbaev")    // Если имя ещё не встречалось

            Lev[Num[i]] = level = minimum(arr, Num, Lev, sz) + 1;

        for (int j = 0; j < sz; ++j)

            if (i != j && arr[i][j])

                if ((Num[j] != "Isenbaev" && Lev[Num[j]] == 0) || Lev[Num[j]] > level + 1)

                    Lev[Num[j]] = level + 1;



int main()

    int N;

    string f;

    string s;

    string t;

    string P = "Isenbaev";

    map < string, int >Name;

    map < int, string > Number;

    int count = 1;

    Name[P] = count++;

    Number[0] = P;

    int arr[300][300];

    map < string, int >Level;

    bool flag = false;

    cin >> N;

    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {

        cin >> f >> s >> t;

        if (f == P || s == P || t == P)
            flag = true;

        if (!Name[f])

            Name[f] = count++;

        if (!Name[s])

            Name[s] = count++;

        if (!Name[t])

            Name[t] = count++;

        Number[Name[f] - 1] = f;

        Number[Name[s] - 1] = s;

        Number[Name[t] - 1] = t;

        arr[Name[f] - 1][Name[s] - 1] = arr[Name[s] - 1][Name[f] - 1] =    arr[Name[f] - 1][Name[t] - 1] = arr[Name[t] - 1][Name[f] - 1] = arr[Name[s] - 1][Name[t] - 1] = arr[Name[t] - 1][Name[s] - 1] = 1;


    Level[P] = 0;

    Level_up(Name, Number, Level, count - 1, arr);

    for (map < string, int >::iterator it = Level.begin(); it != Level.end(); ++it) {

        if (flag || !flag && it->first != P) {

            cout << it->first << " ";

            if (it->first != P)

                if (it->second < count)

                    cout << it->second << endl;

                         cout << "undefined" << endl;

                cout << it->second << endl;



    return 0;


Sorry, for the my code and my English.

Edited by author 24.08.2014 03:07