Consider these test cases...Hope it will help u to overcome WA
Test 1:
150 50 1000 100
200 900
250 800
300 700
350 600
400 500
450 400
Test 2:
1 2 12 3
3 9
5 6
7 3
Test 3:
4 3 6 1
Test 4:
11 1 10 2
Test 5:
1000 2 2000 3
1388 1418
1390 1415
1392 1412
1394 1409
1396 1406
1398 1403
1400 1400
Re: Consider these test cases...Hope it will help u to overcome WA
Posted by
Sahadev 22 Jun 2015 14:33
Hi, Can you please explain the test cases 2, 3, 4, 5 from your list on how do they work ? I have queries on how these answers come to the above asked test cases with respect to the logic given in the question. kindly help please! Thanks
Re: Consider these test cases...Hope it will help u to overcome WA
Posted by
Sahadev 22 Jun 2015 17:09
I Understood the logic myself.:) :D