back to boardRUN TIME ERROR Hello all :) I'm new to timus online judge.. My program work well in my system but when I submit it displays a RUN TIME ERROR i'm totally confused please help me :( :( here is my program import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.regex.*; public class RobotInTheField { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { String data = ""; Field field; int N,M,K; Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); boolean registers[] = new boolean[26]; Robot robot; Pattern p; Matcher m; BufferedReader br; ExpressionEvaluation expressionevaluation=new ExpressionEvaluation(); br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
data = br.readLine(); // reading problem inputs
N = sc.nextInt(); M = sc.nextInt(); K = sc.nextInt();
field = new Field(N);
for(int i=0;i<M;i++) { // setting forks at the specified x and y location int x = sc.nextInt(); int y = sc.nextInt(); field.set(x,y,'f'); } //for loop ends
for(int i=0;i<K;i++) { String d = br.readLine(); /* Removing white spaces */ String split[] = d.split(" "); int x; String dummy =""; if(split[0].charAt(0) == '-'){
for(int j=1;j<split[0].length();j++) { dummy += split[0].charAt(j);
} x = Integer.parseInt(dummy); x = x*-1; } else { x = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); } dummy = ""; int y; if(split[1].charAt(0) == '-'){
for(int j=1;i<split[1].length();j++) { dummy += split[1].charAt(j);
} y = Integer.parseInt(dummy); y = x*-1; } else { y = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); }
char register = split[2].charAt(0); //System.out.println("x:"+x+",y:"+y+",ch:"+register); field.set(x,y,register); } //for loop ends
p = Pattern.compile("TRUE"); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("t"); p = Pattern.compile("FALSE"); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("f"); p = Pattern.compile("NOT"); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("!"); p = Pattern.compile("AND"); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("&"); p = Pattern.compile("OR"); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("|"); p = Pattern.compile(" "); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("");
robot=new Robot(); robot.direction="right"; while(robot.xpos >= (-1*N) && robot.xpos <= N && robot.ypos >= (-1*N) &&robot.ypos <= N) { System.out.println(robot.xpos+" "+robot.ypos);
// If robot found the fork it needs to change its direction if(field.get(robot.xpos,robot.ypos)=='f'){ // System.out.println("WARNING:ROBOT HITS THE FORK"); // robot first evaluate its expression String e = expressionevaluation.postfixConversion(data);
if(expressionevaluation.postfixevaluation(e,registers)) { if(robot.direction.equals("right")) robot.direction="down"; else if(robot.direction.equals("left")) robot.direction="up"; else if(robot.direction.equals("up")) robot.direction="right"; else if(robot.direction.equals("down")) robot.direction="left"; } else { if(robot.direction.equals("right")) robot.direction="up"; else if(robot.direction.equals("left")) robot.direction="down"; else if(robot.direction.equals("up")) robot.direction="left"; else if(robot.direction.equals("down")) robot.direction="right";
} }
else if(field.get(robot.xpos,robot.ypos) == '-') { //do nothing just move } else { char invertregister=field.get(robot.xpos,robot.ypos); if(registers[invertregister-'A']) registers[invertregister-'A']=false; else registers[invertregister-'A']=true;
if(robot.direction.equals("right")) robot.moveright();
else if(robot.direction.equals("left")) robot.moveleft(); else if(robot.direction.equals("up")) robot.moveup(); else if(robot.direction.equals("down")) robot.movedown();
} // System.out.println("WARNING : ROBOT ESCAPES"); // System.out.println("ROBOT POSITION "+robot.xpos+","+robot.ypos); }//main method ends here } //testexpr class ends here class ExpressionEvaluation { // Expression evaluation methods String postfixConversion(String expr) { // converting infix expression to postfix expression String postfixstring = ""; StackDataStructure stackobj=new StackDataStructure(expr.length()); boolean infinite = true;
for(int i=0;i<expr.length();i++) { // visiting each character in the string infinite = true;
switch(expr.charAt(i)) {
case '!' : stackobj.push('!'); // '!' is encountered just push them into the stack break;
case '&' : while(infinite) { // '&' is encountered just push them into the stack if(stackobj.top == 0 || stackobj.stack[stackobj.top-1] != '!') { stackobj.push('&'); infinite = false; } else postfixstring += stackobj.pop() + ""; } break;
case '(' : stackobj.push('('); // '(' is encounterd them into stack break;
case '|' : while(infinite) { // '|' is encountered if(stackobj.top == 0 || ((stackobj.stack[stackobj.top-1] != '&') && stackobj.stack[stackobj.top-1] != '!')) { stackobj.push('|'); infinite = false; } else postfixstring += stackobj.pop() + ""; } break;
case ')' : while(infinite && stackobj.top != 0) { // ')' is encountered pop elements until left parenthesis is encountered char ch=stackobj.pop();
if(ch == '(') infinite = false; else postfixstring += ch + "";
} break;
default : postfixstring += expr.charAt(i) + ""; // operands encountered }// switch case end }// for loop end
while(stackobj.top != 0) // pop remaining all elements from the stack postfixstring += stackobj.pop() + "";
return postfixstring; }// postfixexpression method ends
boolean postfixevaluation(String expr,boolean reg[]) { // postfix expression evaluation char e[] = expr.toCharArray(); // converting string into char array it makes easy to compute
for(int i=0;i<e.length;i++) { if(e[i]=='!') { // if NOT OPERATOR found for(int j=i-1;j>=0;j--) { if(e[j]=='t'||e[j]=='f') { if(e[j]=='t') e[i]='f'; else e[i]='t'; e[j]='*'; //we use that operand so we put there '*' to indicate there is no operand break; //NOT OPERATOR found its operand and operate on it so no need to search operand just breaking out } //end inner if } // end for loop } //end outer if
else if(e[i]=='&') { // if AND OPERATOR found int count = 0; // just counting operands int op[] = new int[2]; // just use to store its operands location for(int j=i-1;count<2&&j>=0;j--) { // searching two operands if two operands found the search stops if(e[j]=='t'||e[j]=='f') { //if operands are found op[count++]=j; } } if(e[op[0]]=='t'&&e[op[1]]=='t') // AND OPERATION done here e[i] = 't'; else e[i] = 'f';
e[op[0]]='*'; e[op[1]]='*'; }
else if(e[i] == '|') { // if OR OPERATOR found int count=0; int op[]=new int[2];
for(int j=i-1;count<2&&j>=0;j--) { // searching for two operands if(e[j]=='t'||e[j]=='f') { op[count++]=j; } } if(e[op[0]]=='t'||e[op[1]]=='t') // OR OPERATION done here e[i]='t'; else e[i]='f';
e[op[0]]='*'; e[op[1]]='*'; }
else { if(Character.isUpperCase(e[i])) if(reg[e[i]-'A']) { e[i]='t'; } else { e[i]='f'; } }
} // for loop ends here
if(e[e.length-1] == 't') // return boolean postfix expression evaluation return true; else return false; }//postfixevaluation method ends }//expressionevaluation class ends /* Implementing stack data structure */ class StackDataStructure { char stack[]; // stack data structure representation using arrays int top; // represent top element of the stack
StackDataStructure(int len) { // initializing stack array stack = new char[len]; }
void push(char data) { // insert element into the stack if(top == stack.length) { System.out.println("Stack overflow"); System.exit(-1); } else { stack[top++] = data; } } char pop() { // retrieving and removing stack top element from the stack if(top == 0) { System.out.println("Stack underflow"); System.exit(-1); } return stack[--top]; } void print() { // printing stack elements System.out.println("Stack elements :"); for(int i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { System.out.println(stack[i]); } } }
/* Field class represents the farm field where the robot works */ class Field { char field[][]; // representing field in two dimension int N;
Field(int n) { N = n; field = new char[N*2+1][N*2+1]; // initializing field for(int i=0;i<N*2+1;i++) { // fill empty items in the field for(int j=0;j<n*2+1;j++) { field[i][j]='-'; } } }
void print() { // printing the entire field view for(int i=0;i<N*2+1;i++) { for(int j=0;j<N*2+1;j++) { System.out.print(field[i][j]); } System.out.println(); } }
void set(int x,int y,char ch) { // set item in the field at the given x,y position field[x+N][y+N]=ch; // System.out.println("x:"+x+"y:"+y); }
char get(int x,int y) { // get item from the field by specifying x,y position return field[x+N][y+N]; }
void printdebug() { for(int i=0;i<N*2+1;i++){ for(int j=0;j<N*2+1;j++){ System.out.print(get(j-N,i-N)); } System.out.println(); } } } class Robot { int xpos = 0; int ypos = 0; String direction = "";
void moveright() { xpos++; } void moveleft() { xpos--; } void moveup() { ypos++; } void movedown() { ypos--; } } Re: RUN TIME ERROR That's, uh, quite a lot of code. Almost 4x times bigger than my solution. Well, it seems to be working alright, but it's kinda hard to track down the problem.. I suggest you to comment most of the parts, then uncomment them little by little, to notice the moment when it changes from WA #1 to runtime #1, and after detecting the block which turns it into runtime, it might be easier to say what's the matter. |