вернуться в форумI have AC with such idea but I don't understand how to get a formula or faster solution var i,n,l,j:longword; found:boolean; begin readln(n); repeat found:=False; for j:=3 to n div 2 do begin if n mod j=0 then begin found:=True; break; end; end; if found then n:=j; until not found; writeln(n-1); readln; end. Please help me to optimize my code. It's 0.405 sec Re: I have AC with such idea but I don't understand how to get a formula or faster solution Послано c_pp 17 дек 2016 23:35 for j := 3 to sqrt(n) do will help you :) Re: I have AC with such idea but I don't understand how to get a formula or faster solution Послано PO 18 янв 2019 12:11 > for j := 3 to sqrt(n) do will help you :) will it? for sqrt(8) = 2.8, but answer should be 4 - 1 = 3 |