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Posted by Yogendra Singh Chouhan 27 Jul 2016 22:14
I wanted to see my previous submissions but I cant seem to find the login page. What to do?
Re: Login
Posted by Oleg Baskakov 28 Jul 2016 00:09
You can see your latest submissions here: http://acm.timus.ru/status.aspx?author=191109
The "kinda" login page is http://acm.timus.ru/authedit.aspx but you only need that if you want to fix some of your info. By submitting a solution with your ID, you're already "logged in", but it can only be seen through the list of your solved tasks.
Re: Login
Posted by Yogendra Singh Chouhan 2 Aug 2016 02:09
In the link you mentioned for last submissions, I can only see last two of my submissions but I remember solving other problems too, which I cant see.
Re: Login
Posted by Oleg Baskakov 2 Aug 2016 02:18
This is because you have registered two accounts: http://acm.timus.ru/search.aspx?Str=+Yogendra+Singh+Chouhan
If you want to see latest submissions from your other account, change 191109 to 191110 in the link above.