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Discussion of Problem 1992. CVS

Why is Java so slow? (TLE #19)
Posted by B@R5uk 21 Dec 2017 03:20
I just have implemented "Copy on Write" strategy suggested in other tread and it helped me pass through tests #9 and #10 where I got MLE/TLE earlier. But I cannot pass #19. I tried StreamTokenizer suggested by "Getting Stated" page, then I even implemented my own parser without any cheking for input errors just to speed up my solution. But still too slow!

There seems nothing can be done about algo itself: rollback/relearn fiddle with one variable, check prints, clone makes new entry in ArrayList<Clone> without actually doing anything. Only learn seems to be doing something: copying ProgramsList if it's needed, clearing abolished programs and adding new one. Not that much to find something excessive to remove.

But why it take so much time in test #19? How did 26 genii get their AC with Java? Is there some kind of trick or fundamental improvement to achive better time? I lost my mind searching solution. Please, help!

p.s. And sorry for bad English...

Update: I removed clearing ArrayList<Integer> in learn command, it waste memory a little and save time a little and made some cosmetic improvements. But still too slow!

Edited by author 21.12.2017 04:38