back to boardWhy WA on test case 7? please help Posted by farid 21 Aug 2019 16:49 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std;
int const N = 123456; #define pi acos(-1.0) typedef long long ll;
int ar[N],xar[N],uses[N];
struct points { double x, y; int id; points() {} points(double x, double y) : x(x), y(y) {} } ;
double ang(const points &p){ double res = atan2(p.y, p.x); if(res < 0) res += 2.0 * pi; return res; }
struct cmp{ inline bool operator () (const points &p1, const points &p2){ double ang1 = ang(p1)*(180/pi), ang2 = ang(p2)*(180/pi); if(fabs(ang1 - ang2) < 1e-9){ ll d1 = (ll)p1.x * (ll)p1.x + (ll)p1.y * (ll)p1.y; ll d2 = (ll)p2.x * (ll)p2.x + (ll)p2.y * (ll)p2.y;
return d1 < d2; } return ang1 < ang2; } };
points pt[N];
int main() { int n; cin >> n; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ cin >> pt[i].x >> pt[i].y; pt[i].id = i+1; } sort(pt, pt+n, cmp()); cout<<pt[0].id<<" "<<pt[(n/2)].id<<endl;
return 0; } Re: Why WA on test case 7? please help I know this is an old post. but for others' reference, we should use long long to avoid integer overflow. |