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Discussion of Problem 1975. Model of the Earth

Asking for help at WA-25
Posted by alexwangxiang 3 Sep 2022 10:24
My program stucked at WA-25 for several times and I don't know the reason why. One thing that confuses me is that I don't know how to deal with the following sentences in problem statement:
"You should consider a rotation to map a key point A to a key point B if A is mapped to a point within 10−6 units distance from the point B. Rotations having the same mapping should be considered as the same rotation."
I think the second sentence is redundant since a rotation is uniquely determined by its images on two different non diametral points. I don't know how to implement a function such that, given the images q_i of each point p_i, determine if any rotation f exists such that dist(f(p_i), q_i)<1e-6.