вернуться в форумdynamic programming i solved the first K-Based problem with dynamic programming, but for K-Based Version 2 it's not fast enough. can someone please help me? #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> FILE *in,*out; int ways[200]; int n,k; int get_ways( int nn ){ if ( nn==1 ) return k-1; if ( !nn ) return 1; if ( ways[nn]>-1 ) return ways[nn]; ways[nn]=0; for ( int i=1; i<k; i++ ) ways[nn]+=get_ways( nn-1 )+get_ways( nn-2 ); return ways[nn]; } void main( void ){ in=stdin; out=stdout; fscanf( in, "%d %d", &n, &k ); for ( int i=0; i<200; i++ ) ways[i]=-1; printf( "%d\n", get_ways( n ) ); } Re: dynamic programming Just look at my page: acmsolver.timus.ru There is a description how to solve it. SAV Re: dynamic programming u can use a cycle instead of recursion. and the change array (int)ways[200] into (int)ways[3][2000]; because the result will has maore than 100 digits, mathematic arithmetic is needed. i change you programme as follow: //dynamic programming #include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> int ways[3][20000]={0}; int ADD(int a[], int b[], int c[]); int MUL(int a[], int k); int main() { long n, k, i, j; cin>>n>>k; ways[0][1] = 1; ways[0][0] = 1; ways[1][1] = k-1; ways[1][0] = 1; for (i=2; i<=n; i++) { ADD(ways[2], ways[1], ways[0]); MUL(ways[2], k-1); j = 2; i++; if (i>n) break; ADD(ways[0], ways[2], ways[1]); MUL(ways[0], k-1); j = 0; i++; if (i>n) break; ADD(ways[1], ways[0], ways[2]); MUL(ways[1], k-1); j = 1; } for (i=ways[j][0]; i>=1; i--) { cout<<ways[j][i]; } return 0; } int ADD(int a[], int b[], int c[]) { int i, remainder, carry; for (i=1, carry=0; i<=b[0] && i<=c[0]; i++) { remainder = (b[i] + c[i] + carry) % 10; carry = (b[i] + c[i] + carry) / 10; a[i] = remainder; } for (; i<=b[0]; i++) { remainder = (b[i] + carry) % 10; carry = (b[i] + carry) / 10; a[i] = remainder; } for (; i<=c[0]; i++) { remainder = (c[i] + carry) % 10; carry = (c[i] + carry) / 10; a[i] = remainder; } if (carry==1) { a[i++] = carry; } a[0] = i - 1; return 0; } int MUL(int a[], int k) { int i, remainder, carry=0; for (i=1; i<=a[0]; i++) { remainder = (a[i] * k + carry) % 10; carry = (a[i] * k + carry) / 10; a[i] = remainder; } for (; carry>0; i++) { remainder = carry % 10; carry = carry / 10; a[i] = remainder; } a[0] = i - 1; return 0; } |