What's wrong with my code(1115). I always get WA. Or could anyone give some test data? Posted by Li, Yi 28 Oct 2001 16:26 var len : array[1..10]of byte; ship : array[1..100]of byte; count : array[1..10]of byte; id : array[1..100]of byte; lencurr : array[1..100]of byte; n, m : integer; procedure readdata; var i : integer; begin readln(n, m); for i := 1 to n do readln(ship[i]); for i := 1 to m do readln(len[i]); end; procedure out; var i, j : integer; b : boolean; begin for i := 1 to m do begin writeln(count[i]); b := false; for j := 1 to n do if id[j] = i then begin if b then write(' ') else b := true; write(ship[j]); end; writeln; end; halt; end; procedure search(ll, l : byte); begin if ll > m then out; if l > n then begin if lencurr[ll] = len[ll] then search(ll + 1, 1); exit; end; if id[l] <> 0 then begin search(ll, l + 1); exit; end; if lencurr[ll] + ship[l] > len[ll] then begin search(ll, l + 1); exit; end; lencurr[ll] := lencurr[ll] + ship[l]; id[l] := ll; inc(count[ll]); search(ll, l + 1); dec(count[ll]); id[l] := 0; lencurr[ll] := lencurr[ll] - ship[l]; search(ll, l + 1); end; { procedure Sort(l, r: Integer); var i, j, x, y : integer; begin i := l; j := r; x := ship[(l + r) DIV 2]; repeat while ship[i] > x do i := i + 1; while x > ship[j] do j := j - 1; if i <= j then begin y := ship[i]; ship[i] := ship[j]; ship[j] := y; i := i + 1; j := j - 1; end; until i > j; if l < j then Sort(l, j); if i < r then Sort(i, r); end; } begin { assign(input, '1115.in'); reset(input);} readdata; { sort(1, n); } search(1, 1); { close(input);} end. I've modified my code. And now time limit exceeded. Any good method for this problem? Posted by Li, Yi 28 Oct 2001 17:17 I use complete search. =========================================================== var len : array[1..10]of byte; ship : array[1..100]of byte; count : array[1..10]of byte; id : array[1..100]of byte; lencurr : array[1..100]of byte; n, m, remain : integer; procedure readdata; var i : integer; begin readln(n, m); for i := 1 to n do readln(ship[i]); for i := 1 to m do readln(len[i]); remain := n; end; procedure out; var i, j : integer; b : boolean; begin for i := 1 to m do begin writeln(count[i]); b := false; for j := 1 to n do if id[j] = i then begin if b then write(' ') else b := true; write(ship[j]); end; writeln; end; halt; end; procedure search(ll, l : byte); begin if ll > m then begin if remain = 0 then out; exit; end; if l > n then begin if lencurr[ll] = len[ll] then search(ll + 1, 1); exit; end; if id[l] <> 0 then begin search(ll, l + 1); exit; end; if lencurr[ll] + ship[l] > len[ll] then begin search(ll, l + 1); exit; end; lencurr[ll] := lencurr[ll] + ship[l]; id[l] := ll; dec(remain); inc(count[ll]); search(ll, l + 1); inc(remain); dec(count[ll]); id[l] := 0; lencurr[ll] := lencurr[ll] - ship[l]; search(ll, l + 1); end; procedure Sort(l, r: Integer); var i, j, x, y: integer; begin i := l; j := r; x := ship[(l+r) DIV 2]; repeat while ship[i] < x do i := i + 1; while x < ship[j] do j := j - 1; if i <= j then begin y := ship[i]; ship[i] := ship[j]; ship[j] := y; i := i + 1; j := j - 1; end; until i > j; if l < j then Sort(l, j); if i < r then Sort(i, r); end; begin readdata; sort(1, n); search(1, 1); end. |