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Обсуждение задачи 1125. Классики

Mmm,it's a very interesting problem.(Email:hyz12345678@163.com)
Послано Huang Yizheng 27 дек 2001 13:06
I understand that you're always very happy to get AC for one more problem, but stop telling evrybody about that! This site is for questions!:)
Послано shitty.Mishka 27 дек 2001 21:21
I agree with Rybak Michael
Послано Timus Observer 28 дек 2001 04:27
Why you keep asking people sending email to you are you asking
something/barter with samething. If you really want to help people
just answer directly people question directly here in this webboard.
We are all learning here, do not play politic/monkey business here.

I am impressed with the way Rybak, abc, xyz, Revenger etc helping
each other here. They keep update their knowledge by help each other

I also notice thay Huang Yizeng's program need to be improved. He
still using GOTO in his program. This is not aligned with 'structure
programming' concept, difficult to debug during the contest.

~timus observer
You meant that I should send the solution of every problems on the webboard?Then everyone can get accepted on every problem,and the timus web problems can be meaningless very soon.
Послано Huang Yizheng 28 дек 2001 07:14
No, you misunderstood me. I mean that you may notice that you're the only one here like those ho tell everybody that they got AC for some problem ;)
Послано shitty.Mishka 28 дек 2001 19:42
What do you me?You meant I'm too cocky.No,not at all.You see,I'm an OI begginer.There're many excellent players better than me.
Послано Huang Yizheng 29 дек 2001 12:56
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