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Discussion of Problem 1177. Like Comparisons

Could anybody tell me the answer for these test cases? (+)
Posted by shitty.Mishka 19 Feb 2002 23:17
Here's the test:

'-' like '[a-c]'
'b-b' like '[ba-cb]'
'bbb' like '[ba-cb]'

Could you explain me why can there be more than one '-' in template -
like in the last test in the example:

'U' like '[^a-zA-Z0-9]'

The answer should be YES, I suppose, because template doesn't have a
format '^c1-c2', so we should check wether there's a symbol 'U' among
symbols of string 'a-zA-Z0-9'. Or did I misunderstand the problem?

Here's my code. Could anybody give me a test where it fails?

[deleted by moderator]

Edited by moderator 11.04.2004 01:44
Re: There can be more than one "-" in [ ] (+)
Posted by Tran Nam Trung (trungduck@yahoo.com) 20 Feb 2002 09:46
> [deleted by moderator]

Edited by moderator 11.04.2004 01:45