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Discussion of Problem 1020. Rope

Why all parts of rope on circles make P of one cyrcle?!?
Posted by nullman 4 Apr 2002 22:43
prove it!!
Posted by TheBlaNK 5 Apr 2002 16:57
It is proved!!!
Posted by nullman 7 Apr 2002 01:23
In your solution I'm sure there is "result=2*pi*r" and then you add
distances between centers of the circles, don't you? And so the parts
of circles where rope touches is exactly P or C (2*pi*r).
Re: It is proved!!!
Posted by TheBlaNK 9 Apr 2002 22:04
i try to read ur msg for many times .But i don't understand what u want
to tell (sorry my english was very bad)
but anyway i prove it(after i've got AC)
i see that a radius is perpendicular with a line that touch circle
and then a total of angle in each circle is 360
:-) hope u can understand it
> In your solution I'm sure there is "result=2*pi*r" and then you add
> distances between centers of the circles, don't you? And so the parts
> of circles where rope touches is exactly P or C (2*pi*r).