вернуться в форумPLease..will someone tell me how to understand why CompError?Here is my source Here is my source.I am using VStudio 6.0 an dit is OK but...I got Compilation Error. How to understand why and what to compile my program with???? #include <stdio.h> long ind,pom,n,x[10000],y[10000],ymin,i,j,xx,yy; int pos[10000]; void main() { scanf("%ld",&n); ymin=1000000000; for (i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%ld%ld",&x[i],&y[i]); pos[i]=i; if (ymin>y[i]) { ind=i; ymin=y[i]; } } pom=y[ind]; y[ind]=y[n-1]; y[n-1]=pom; pom=x[ind]; x[ind]=x[n-1]; x[n-1]=pom; xx=x[n-1]; yy=y[n-1]; pos[ind]=n-1; pos[n-1]=ind; for(i=0;i<n-1;i++) for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) if (((float)(x[i]-xx)*(float)(y[j]-yy))- ((float)(x[j]-xx)*(float)(y[i]-yy))>0) { pom=y[i]; y[i]=y[j]; y[j]=pom; pom=x[i]; x[i]=x[j]; x[j]=pom; pom=(long)pos[i]; pos[i]=pos[j]; pos[j]=(int)pom; } printf("%d %d\n",pos[n-1]+1,pos[(int)((n/2)-1)]+1); } AFAIK *ALL* solutions on C/C++ get CE now. This is most probably an internal Timus problem. I sent 5 different tasks and received the same reply yesterday - something like "temp\184951(29) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'e:\judge\vc60.pdb'". So, we should write on Pascal or wait... |