back to boardCable Master: I can't find my error, i think my program is Ok(+) Anyone help me :) Here it is: #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> int n, k; long x[10000]; void main() { double xx; int i, j; cin>>n>>k; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { cin>>xx; x[i] = xx*100; } long l, r, m, w; r = x[0]; for (i=1; i<n; i++) if (x[i]>r) r=x[i]; l = 1; w = 0; while ( l <= r ) { m = (l + r) / 2; j = 0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) j = j + (long)x[i]/m; if ( j == k ) { w = m; } if (j >= k) l = m + 1; else r = m - 1; } double ans = (double)w/100.0; printf("%.2f\n",ans); } Two mistake. I'm not good at C++. I like Dephi and C more than C++. But I had correct your program... Do you have E-mail? I'll send it to you Two mistakes Well...... The first error is x[i] = xx*100; You should have replaced the line to x[i]=(long)(xx*100+0.1); Try the testcase 4 4 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 Your program output a wrong answer 2.00 :-) The second one Why do you think that the cable must be cut into exactly k pieces? So you must change
if ( j == k ) { w = m; } into if (j>=k && w>m) {w=m;} Wow, how did you know the first mistake?? Lot of thanks :) (+) Could you explain me why x[i] = (long)(x*100 + 0.1), how did you know 0.1?? Thanks :) HeHe:) We can try to this code. double n=2.01; long x; x=(long)(x*100); I was surprised that the result is 200? I can't understood it also. Then this code double n=2.01,t; long x; t=n*100; x=(long) t; You can find out that t=201.00000 but x was still 201. So I use (n*100+0.1) instead Then I use your program to got AC By the way . I like C more than C++ beacuse I don't kown C++ well If I made any mistake in this problem please forgive me.:-) Good luck. |