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Discussion of Problem 1004. Sightseeing Trip

i am puzzled!
Posted by daizi sheng(from USTC) 27 Jul 2002 16:50
if the rods are too ways
why the sample give an example saying that
it is different between (1,3) and (3,1)
Posted by daizi sheng(from USTC) 28 Jul 2002 13:33
> if the rods are too ways
> why the sample give an example saying that
> it is different between (1,3) and (3,1)
I'll tell you
Posted by Vladimir Milenov Vasilev 28 Jul 2002 17:15
The author has tried to make the problem harder...if there are more
than one way between two towns, you have just to take the shorter
one... Althoug, the testing program of this problem is wrong, for
example if you always write "No solution\n" when no cicle found
and "350000\n" otherwise, you'll get accepted. :)
Re: I'll tell you
Posted by Paul - Dan Baltescu 7 Aug 2006 16:01
I don't understand.

If the length of the roads is less than 500 and the answer may contain at most 100 towns, how can the answer be 350000?

100*500=50000 < 350000
Re: I'll tell you
Posted by Burunduk1 7 Aug 2006 19:33
Of course, it's impossible. Answer <= 50000.