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Обсуждение задачи 1103. Карандаши и окружности

Why could I get wa? My algo is right, I can bet!!
Послано Innovative Cat. 11 янв 2003 18:37
I even have closed qsort procedure.. If anybody could help
me, please write to zhuzeyuan@hotmail.com. In return for
this, I could help you with any program of problems from
1000 to 1102...

#include <fstream.h>
#include <math.h>

//ifstream Fin("1103.in");
//ofstream Fou("1103.out");
#define Fin cin
#define Fou cout

const int MaxN = 5000 + 10;
const double Error = 1e-7;

struct TPoint
    int x,y;
} p[MaxN], A, B;
int n;
double angle[MaxN];
int num[MaxN];

/*void qsort(int l, int r)
    int i = l, j = r; double x = angle[(l+r)/2];
    while (i<=j)
        while (angle[i]<x-Error) i++;
        while (x<angle[j]-Error) j--;
        if (i<=j)
            double y = angle[i];
            angle[i] = angle[j];
            angle[j] = y;
            int t = num[i];
            num[i] = num[j];
            num[j] = t;
            i++; j--;
    if (l<j) qsort(l,j);
    if (i<r) qsort(i,r);

void cp(struct TPoint *a, struct TPoint b)
    (*a).x = b.x;
    (*a).y = b.y;

int main()
    int i;
    for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
    int min=0x7FFFFFFF, dir;
    for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
        if (p[i].x<min)
            min = p[i].x;
            dir = i;
    p[0].x = p[1].x;
    p[0].y = p[1].y;
    p[1].x = p[dir].x;
    p[1].y = p[dir].y;
    p[dir].x = p[0].x;
    p[dir].y = p[0].y;
//    cp(&p[0],p[1]);
//    cp(&p[1],p[dir]);
//    cp(&p[dir],p[0]);
    double max = -1e100;
    for (i=2; i<=n; i++)
        if (atan2((double)(p[i].y-p[1].y),(double)(p
            max = atan2((double)(p[i].y-p[1].y),
            dir = i;
    p[0].x = p[2].x;
    p[0].y = p[2].y;
    p[2].x = p[dir].x;
    p[2].y = p[dir].y;
    p[dir].x = p[0].x;
    p[dir].y = p[0].y;
//    cp(&p[0],p[2]);
//    cp(&p[2],p[dir]);
//    cp(&p[dir],p[0]);
    A.x = p[1].x;
    A.y = p[1].y;
    B.x = p[2].x;
    B.y = p[2].y;
    double c = sqrt(pow(B.x-A.x,2)+pow(B.y-A.y,2));
    for (i=3; i<=n; i++)
        double a = sqrt(pow(B.x-p[i].x,2)+pow(B.y-p
        double b = sqrt(pow(A.x-p[i].x,2)+pow(A.y-p
        angle[i] = acos((a*a+b*b-c*c)/(2*a*b));
        num[i] = i;
//    qsort(3,n);
    int j;
    for (i=3; i<=n; i++)
        for (j=i+1; j<=n; j++)
            if (angle[i]>angle[j])
                double y = angle[i];
                angle[i] = angle[j];
                angle[j] = y;
                int t = num[i];
                num[i] = num[j];
                num[j] = t;
    Fou<<A.x<<' '<<A.y<<endl<<B.x<<' '<<B.y<<endl;
    Fou<<p[num[(3+n)/2]].x<<' '<<p[num[(3+n)/2]].y<<endl;
    return 0;
The test datas might be wrong. I have WAed for 50 times.
Послано Innovative Cat. 11 янв 2003 18:40
> I even have closed qsort procedure.. If anybody could help
> me, please write to zhuzeyuan@hotmail.com. In return for
> this, I could help you with any program of problems from
> 1000 to 1102...
> #include <fstream.h>
> #include <math.h>
> //ifstream Fin("1103.in");
> //ofstream Fou("1103.out");
> #define Fin cin
> #define Fou cout
> const int MaxN = 5000 + 10;
> const double Error = 1e-7;
> struct TPoint
> {
>     int x,y;
> } p[MaxN], A, B;
> int n;
> double angle[MaxN];
> int num[MaxN];
> /*void qsort(int l, int r)
> {
>     int i = l, j = r; double x = angle[(l+r)/2];
>     while (i<=j)
>     {
>         while (angle[i]<x-Error) i++;
>         while (x<angle[j]-Error) j--;
>         if (i<=j)
>         {
>             double y = angle[i];
>             angle[i] = angle[j];
>             angle[j] = y;
>             int t = num[i];
>             num[i] = num[j];
>             num[j] = t;
>             i++; j--;
>         }
>     }
>     if (l<j) qsort(l,j);
>     if (i<r) qsort(i,r);
> }
> void cp(struct TPoint *a, struct TPoint b)
> {
>     (*a).x = b.x;
>     (*a).y = b.y;
> }*/
> int main()
> {
>     Fin>>n;
>     int i;
>     for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
>         Fin>>p[i].x>>p[i].y;
>     int min=0x7FFFFFFF, dir;
>     for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
>         if (p[i].x<min)
>         {
>             min = p[i].x;
>             dir = i;
>         }
>     p[0].x = p[1].x;
>     p[0].y = p[1].y;
>     p[1].x = p[dir].x;
>     p[1].y = p[dir].y;
>     p[dir].x = p[0].x;
>     p[dir].y = p[0].y;
> //    cp(&p[0],p[1]);
> //    cp(&p[1],p[dir]);
> //    cp(&p[dir],p[0]);
>     double max = -1e100;
>     for (i=2; i<=n; i++)
>         if (atan2((double)(p[i].y-p[1].y),(double)(p
> [i].x-p[1].x))>max)
>         {
>             max = atan2((double)(p[i].y-p[1].y),
> (double)(p[i].x-p[1].x));
>             dir = i;
>         }
>     p[0].x = p[2].x;
>     p[0].y = p[2].y;
>     p[2].x = p[dir].x;
>     p[2].y = p[dir].y;
>     p[dir].x = p[0].x;
>     p[dir].y = p[0].y;
> //    cp(&p[0],p[2]);
> //    cp(&p[2],p[dir]);
> //    cp(&p[dir],p[0]);
>     A.x = p[1].x;
>     A.y = p[1].y;
>     B.x = p[2].x;
>     B.y = p[2].y;
>     double c = sqrt(pow(B.x-A.x,2)+pow(B.y-A.y,2));
>     for (i=3; i<=n; i++)
>     {
>         double a = sqrt(pow(B.x-p[i].x,2)+pow(B.y-p
> [i].y,2));
>         double b = sqrt(pow(A.x-p[i].x,2)+pow(A.y-p
> [i].y,2));
>         angle[i] = acos((a*a+b*b-c*c)/(2*a*b));
>         num[i] = i;
>     }
> //    qsort(3,n);
>     int j;
>     for (i=3; i<=n; i++)
>         for (j=i+1; j<=n; j++)
>             if (angle[i]>angle[j])
>             {
>                 double y = angle[i];
>                 angle[i] = angle[j];
>                 angle[j] = y;
>                 int t = num[i];
>                 num[i] = num[j];
>                 num[j] = t;
>             }
>     Fou<<A.x<<' '<<A.y<<endl<<B.x<<' '<<B.y<<endl;
>     Fou<<p[num[(3+n)/2]].x<<' '<<p[num[(3+n)/2]].y<<endl;
>     return 0;
> }