ENG  RUSTimus Online Judge
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Обсуждение задачи 1019. Перекрашивание прямой

I thought that my program has no errors. But I got WA again and again. Why?? And My program procdure the correct answers for the test data in discuss. Here's My code, Help!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!
Послано noname 4 фев 2003 20:34
//#define debug
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>

#ifdef debug
 #include <fstream>

using namespace std;

#ifdef debug
 ifstream fin("in.txt");
 ofstream fdebug("debug.txt");
 istream& in  = fin;
 ostream& out = cout;
 istream& in  = cin;
 ostream& out = cout;

int n;

struct Line{
    int a,b;
    char color;
Line Lines[5000];

int x[10010];
bool color[10010];
int p = 0 ;

int B_Search(int k){
    int head = 0;
    int tail = p - 1;
    int middle;
    while(head <= tail){
        middle = (head + tail) / 2;
        if(x[middle] == k){
            while(x[middle-1] == x[middle]) middle--;
            return middle;
        if(x[middle] < k) head = middle + 1;
        else tail = middle - 1;

void FloodFill(){
    int i,j,t;
    bool IfWhite;

    for(i=0; i<n; i++){
        IfWhite = (Lines[i].color == 'w');
        t = B_Search(Lines[i].b);
        for(j=B_Search(Lines[i].a); j<t; j++)
            color[j] = IfWhite;


int main(){
    int a,b,i;
    in >> n;

    for(i=0; i<n; i++){
        in >> Lines[i].a >> Lines[i].b >> Lines[i].color;

        x[p++] = Lines[i].a; x[p++] = Lines[i].b;
    FloodFill(); color[p-1] = false;

    int max = 0,head = x[0],t;
    a = 0; b = 1000000000;
    for(i=0; i<p; i++){
            t = x[i] - head;
            if(t > max){
                a = head; b = x[i]; max = t;
            head = x[i+1];

    out <<a << " " << b << endl;

    return 0;
I am puzzled
Послано noname 4 фев 2003 20:35
You'd better not to use floodfill!
Послано jakrinchose 14 фев 2003 19:25
I used linetree,but.......time limited
Послано starhder 22 апр 2003 18:50