back to boardI have found some wrongs but still WA, Can you help me I have mended some wrong but still WA? ====================================================================== var s1,s2,s3,s4,a1,a2,b1,b2,t:real; total:longint; function sov(aa:real):real; var x,y:real; begin y:=frac(aa)*100; x:=trunc(aa); sov:=x+y/60; end; begin read(s1,s2,s3,s4); a1:=sov(s1); b1:=sov(s2); a2:=sov(s3); b2:=sov(s4); if a1>b1 then b1:=b1+24 else if b2-a2>11 then begin t:=b2; b2:=a2+24; a2:=t; end; if a2>b2 then b2:=b2+24 else if b1-a1>5 then begin t:=b1; b1:=a1+24; a1:=t; end; total:=trunc(abs((b1-a1)-(b2-a2)/2)); writeln(t); end. What's the local time if there is not in one day? |