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Обсуждение задачи 1056. Центры сети

are there more than 2 numbers to output? ~nt~
Послано foxX 18 апр 2003 19:51
Re: are there more than 2 numbers to output? ~nt~
Послано Gheorghe Stefan 28 июл 2003 23:52
No, the idea is to make the longest road in the tree and choose the
middle nodes as the answer. It may be 1 or 2 numbers so...
That is possible in O(N)   :)
Re: are there more than 2 numbers to output? ~nt~
Послано asd 22 июн 2005 17:10
Yes you are right... i'm trying to solve it same way. But It's a problem how to find the longest chane in the tree.

Edited by author 22.06.2005 22:48
Just BFS two times
Послано TheBeet 10 авг 2006 11:13
Re: Just BFS two times
Послано Piratek-(akaDK) 30 авг 2008 21:33
It can be solved using just one DFS. But i think ans may contain more than two numbers
Re: Just BFS two times
Послано Seyyed Mehran Kholdi (HalfBloodCoder) 24 окт 2008 20:52
According to Jordan's Theorem (Introduction to Graph Theory - Douglas B. West - Second Edition - Page 70), the center of a tree is a vertex or two
and you can find them this way:
Each time remove all the leaves (so the eccentricity of all the vertices will be decreased by one) and repeat this step until only one or two vertices remain