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Discussion of Problem 1014. Product of Digits

I don't understand.
Posted by K -_-a I 8 Apr 2004 18:26
Explain it please.
May be, I am too.
Posted by Kirill Shmakov 10 Apr 2004 20:39
I think, that test #4 incorrect. My program is simple.
It take the lager divizor of N, that less then 10, and put
it at begin of Q. If after that N != 1, then write -1. It's easy to prove, that it's true solution, but it take WA.
Re: May be, I am too.
Posted by buggzy (Ilya Teterin - USU) 11 Apr 2004 12:45
And what it will output for 1 and 0 ?
Re: May be, I am too.
Posted by Vesper 21 Apr 2004 18:57
Kirill Shmakov wrote 10 April 2004 20:39
I think, that test #4 incorrect. My program is simple.
It take the lager divizor of N, that less then 10, and put
it at begin of Q. If after that N != 1, then write -1. It's easy to prove, that it's true solution, but it take WA.
The same. The target is to minimize used digits and then sort them in ascending order within the result from left to right. Sad, but the judge blocks this solution. I just cannot understand why.

Ah, Im stupid :((((

The bug is exactly as I've stumbled upon in problem with 'trits' when I've watched not all possible situations. The output for 0 is 10.

Edited by author 22.04.2004 12:40
Re: May be, I am too.
Posted by Lotl_kamran 8 Jan 2006 15:56
a:array[1..100] of integer;
  readln(n); c:=9;
   if n=0 then write('10');
  if n=1 then write('0');
   if (n mod c=0) then
     n:=n div c;
   else c:=c-1;
    until c=1;
          if n<>1 then write('-1');
    for i:=counter downto 1 do
I think that answer is true
can you  say why is this false
can you translate 1002 and 1003 problems to me in Azeri
or in turkish languages
  or explain form in english
 I can't understand much more in english
Kirill Shmakov wrote 10 April 2004 20:39
I think, that test #4 incorrect. My program is simple.
It take the lager divizor of N, that less then 10, and put
it at begin of Q. If after that N != 1, then write -1. It's easy to prove, that it's true solution, but it take WA.
Kirill Shmakov wrote 10 April 2004 20:39
I think, that test #4 incorrect. My program is simple.
It take the lager divizor of N, that less then 10, and put
it at begin of Q. If after that N != 1, then write -1. It's easy to prove, that it's true solution, but it take WA.
Kirill Shmakov wrote 10 April 2004 20:39
I think, that test #4 incorrect. My program is simple.
It take the lager divizor of N, that less then 10, and put
it at begin of Q. If after that N != 1, then write -1. It's easy to prove, that it's true solution, but it take WA.
Kirill Shmakov wrote 10 April 2004 20:39
I think, that test #4 incorrect. My program is simple.
It take the lager divizor of N, that less then 10, and put
it at begin of Q. If after that N != 1, then write -1. It's easy to prove, that it's true solution, but it take WA.
Kirill Shmakov wrote 10 April 2004 20:39
I think, that test #4 incorrect. My program is simple.
It take the lager divizor of N, that less then 10, and put
it at begin of Q. If after that N != 1, then write -1. It's easy to prove, that it's true solution, but it take WA.
Kirill Shmakov wrote 10 April 2004 20:39
I think, that test #4 incorrect. My program is simple.
It take the lager divizor of N, that less then 10, and put
it at begin of Q. If after that N != 1, then write -1. It's easy to prove, that it's true solution, but it take WA.
Re: May be, I am too.
Posted by nobody89 1 Apr 2007 06:21
"can you translate 1002 and 1003 problems to me in Azeri
or in turkish languages
or explain form in english
I can't understand much more in english"

Here is the concise translation of "1002" to Turkish. my Turkish isn't that good though, I just tried... hope you understand:

Verilen numaraya denk gelen en kisa kelimeler birligini(sequence) olusturman lazim. Kelimeler, numaradan hemen sonra verilmis olan sozlukten alacaksin. Iste inputta sunlar var :

Ilk satir - cevirilmesi gereken numara
2.ci satir - sozlukteki kelime sayisi (N diyelim)
ondan sonra N tane kelime.(hepsi ayri satirda)

Input sonu, -1'le belirtiliyor.

Edited by author 01.04.2007 06:23

Edited by author 01.04.2007 06:23

Edited by author 01.04.2007 06:23