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Discussion of Problem 1315. MDPAR and MIIAR

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Another request to clarify... Oberon (Yura Znovyak) 18 Apr 2004 21:09

I have few questions about this tasks.

1-st) How do we enumerate Y coordinate?
If assuming following sample test case
##.....x# 2
Where x is speleologist we can have 2 variants:

##..##..# 0  4
##.#.#### 1  3
##.....x# 2  2
######### 3  1

I think surface = 0 must be the correct one, because then I have
WA on 9-th case else I have WA on 4-th.

2-nd) How should we calculate amount of swimmed blocks?
In another words: what is length of straight route from (1; 2) to
(1, 4): it goes through 3 cells: (1; 2), (1; 3) and  (1; 4)
and if we consider centers then route has length of 2.

Lets consider sample test case where w means water
First we can swim 4 left and 1 up -> we are at ! symbol. Now we
have to swim up to the surface:
So we are currently on surface in 5 moves so both answers should be
"Can be rescued by himself".

Could you please point place where I had mistaken...
Hey! Where are my clarifications? (-) Oberon (Yura Znovyak) 20 Apr 2004 16:45
Re: Another request to clarify... Антон Щепелин 10 May 2004 17:27
I had accepted this problem with following knowleges:
1)Y Coordinate enumerated from botton to top (from 1 to H)
or simply - left-dwon corner is (1,1)
2)Lets consider your test
#########, then

"Rescue operation required"