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Problem set. Geometry Problems


1020RopeAutumn School Contest 20001555399

1030TitanicUral Championship 19991717890

1043Cover an ArcUSU Championship 20009231632

1046Geometrical DreamsUSU Local Contest. March 20007891882

1052Rabbit HuntUSU Local Contest. March 20006367236

1058ChocolateNEERC 2000 Central Subregional5252799

1065FrontierNEERC 200010051400

1075Thread in a SpaceUSU Personal Contest 20016811998

1084Goat in the GardenSpring School Contest 20019052149

1093DartsUSU Local Contest. March 20016391983

1103Pencils and CirclesTetrahedron Team Online Contest May 2001975502

1111SquaresBulgarian Online Contest September 20011272388

1130Nikifor's WalkUSU Championship 2001518943

1159FenceNEERC 2001 Northern Subregional653752

1163ChapaevNEERC 2001 Northern Subregional1094189

1168Radio StationsRomanian Online Contest December 2001670733

1170DesertRomanian Online Contest December 20013261484

1185WallNEERC 20011653301

1192Ball in a DreamSpring School Contest 20024593109


1207Median on the PlaneUSU Local Contest. March 20024032124

1215Exactness of Projectile HitAutumn School Contest 20021671300

1232Asteroid LandingNEERC 2002 Central Subregional2022379

1234BricksNEERC 2002729683

1239Ghost BustersNEERC 20021533098

1246Tethered DogUSU Personal Contest 20031510333

1256Cemetery GuardUSU Local Contest. March 20032132272

1258PoolAutumn School Contest 20031214417

1265MirrorUSU Championship 20033211542

1271Sailing DirectionsUSU Championship 20031014597

1281River BasinNEERC 2003 Central Subregional3621372

1285Thread in a HyperspaceUSU Personal Contest 20043061621

1294Mars SatellitesSpring School Contest 20041622314

1305Convex HullUral Championship 1998716706

1308Dean's PyramidUral Championship 2004. Round 11702850

1312TrayUral Championship 2004. Round 11603018

1317HailUral Championship 2004. Round 24711067

1328FireballAutumn School Contest 20043571405

1331VladislavaAutumn School Contest 2004506999

1332Genie BomberAutumn School Contest 2004819622

1333Genie Bomber 2Autumn School Contest 20042373216

1340CucarachaUSU Championship 2004944975

1341DeviceUSU Championship 20044441140

1348Goat in the Garden 2Spring School Contest 20052835182

1351Good Gnusmas – Dead GnusmasSpring School Contest 2005979523

1372Death StarUral Championship 2005. Round 1775971

1373Pictura ex MachinaUral Championship 2005. Round 1607842

1384Goat in the Garden 4Petrozavodsk Summer 2005. Moscow+Ural Contest944996

1397Points Game2721720

1405Goat in the Garden 5Autumn School Contest 2005716716

1412Autumn TideUSU Championship 20053301524

1415Mobile LifeUSU Championship 2005469248

1418Military StoryUSU Championship 2005561907

1422FirefliesTimus Top Coders: First Challenge580860

1429BiscuitsTimus Top Coders: First Challenge1802670

1436BillboardUSU Personal Contest 2006593839

1442Floo PowderUral Championship 20061463223

1444ElephpotamusUral Championship 20061790279

1451Beerhouse TaleTimus Top Coders: Second Challenge492996

1460WiresPetrozavodsk Winter 2006. USU Contest1064215

1464LightPetrozavodsk Winter 2006. USU Contest1582911

1469No Smoking!Petrozavodsk Summer 2006. Ural+Orel Contest499952

1475Ryaba HenPetrozavodsk Summer 2006. Ural+Orel Contest1153878

1477AirplanesPetrozavodsk Summer 2006. Ural+Orel Contest1513011

1482Triangle GameUSU Championship 20061473080

1489Points on a ParallelepipedAutumn School Contest 20061237387

1504Good MannersNEERC 2006 Eastern Subregional2072219

1514National ParkTimus Top Coders: Third Challenge2551799

1520Empire Strikes BackTimus Top Coders: Third Challenge1862432

1538Towers of GuardUSU Personal Contest 20073551286

1550Dean's Pyramid 3Ural Championship 2007770596

1556Multishot in the Secret Cow LevelPetrozavodsk Summer 2007. NSU Contest389385

1562GM-pineappleUSU Championship 20071107402

1566Triangular PostcardsUSU Championship 20071363077

1572Yekaterinozavodsk Great WellAutumn School Contest 20073071146

1578Mammoth HuntAutumn School Contest 2007502876

1583CheeseNEERC 2007 Eastern Subregional2281879

1588JamaicaNEERC 2007 Eastern Subregional1364326

1599Winding Number1111885

1600AirportUSU Personal Contest 2008774556

1616Square Country 4Ural Championship 2008993976

1626Interfering SegmentPetrozavodsk Winter 2008. ITMO Contest437945

1632LasersUSU Championship 2008834477

1637Triangle Game 2USU Championship 20081153331

1640Circle of WinterAutumn School Contest 20082373174

1647Divide an Island!Autumn School Contest 2008488834

1653Death ConveyorNEERC 2008 Eastern Subregional526686

1659Regular TrianglesNEERC 2008 Eastern Subregional632646

1660The Island of Bad LuckPetrozavodsk Winter 2008. USU Contest526619

1662Goat in the Garden 6Petrozavodsk Winter 2008. USU Contest804560

1679Scrooge's TowerPetrozavodsk Summer 2008. USU Contest3911019

1681Brother Bear's GardenUSU Personal Contest 20091013643

1686Photovoltaic SpaceshipUSU Personal Contest 20092611492

1697Sniper ShotPetrozavodsk Winter 2009. USU Contest635524

1703Robotic ArmUral Championship 20093111251

1710Boris, You Are Wrong!Ural Championship 2009605653

1719Kill the Shaitan-BossNEERC 2009 Eastern Subregional2501484

1722Observation DeckUral Regional School Programming Contest 20092791333

1733Forgotten TechnologyUSU Championship 2009734627

1750Pakhom and the GullyPetrozavodsk Summer 2009. Ufa SATU Contest2931245

1753BookshelfUSU Personal Contest 20101123330

1754Explosion in a PyramidUSU Personal Contest 2010569645

1768Circular StringsUral Championship 20103051178

1775Space BowlingUral SU Championship 2010372934

1793Tray 2Ural Regional School Programming Contest 2010901391

1808Chapaev at the Planet OceanNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional1721951

1824Ifrit BomberUSU Personal Contest 20113161056

1825Ifrit Bomber 2USU Personal Contest 2011367913

1836Babel FishUral Championship 20112831164

1839The MentaculusUral Championship 20111242545

1840Victim of AdvertisingUral Championship 2011308526

1874Football GoalUral Regional School Programming Contest 20111692193

1875Angry BirdsUral Regional School Programming Contest 2011331961

1883Ent's BirthdayUral Regional School Programming Contest 20112641196

1894Non-Flying WeatherNEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional2141461

1909Space ReconUral Championship 2012604309

1913Titan Ruins: Alignment of ForcesNEERC 2012 Eastern Subregional1511870

1919Titan Ruins: Transformation of CylindersNEERC 2012 Eastern Subregional1352077

1927Herbs and MagicUral Regional School Programming Contest 20122711070

1938Caribbean TriangleUral FU Championship 2012524833

1955Boss, I Can See You!Petrozavodsk Winter 2013. Kontur Cup. ChU 2013 Selection803158

1956Fire SignalsPetrozavodsk Winter 2013. Kontur Cup. ChU 2013 Selection1092389

1963KiteUral FU Personal Contest 2013582479

1983Nectar GatheringUral FU Championship 20131601620

1988Planet Ocean LandingUral FU Championship 20132321138

2016Magic and ScienceNEERC 2014 Eastern Subregional198658

2032Conspiracy Theory and RebrandingUral Regional School Programming Contest 2014315770

20503D-modelingUral Championship 2015663125

2054AstronomyUral Championship 2015207917

2067Friends and BerriesUral Regional School Programming Contest 2015715313

2076VasianaQualification of Eastern Subregional 2015178091

2099Space InvaderUral FU Personal Contest 2014330616

2101Knight's ShieldUral FU Junior Championship 20161041764

2121Intersection of ParabolasPetrozavodsk Summer 2018. umnik_team Contest196707

2139Experiment with JuiceUral School Programming Contest 2019224259

2148Insane ShotUral School Programming Contest 2019276477

2154Flight on a CannonballUral School Programming Contest 2020372336

2165Cake CutterUral School Programming Contest 2021241763

2166Two RoadsUral School Programming Contest 2022182139

2179Need More RoadsUral School Programming Contest 202352100

2186Hands Up!Ural School Programming Contest 202432417

2196ApocalypseICPC Ural Regional Contest Qualifier 202361962