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Problem set. Graph Theory Problems


1004Sightseeing TripCentral European Olympiad in Informatics 19992641581

1008Image EncodingUSTU PhysTech Cup 20004237362

1016Cube on the WalkUSU Local Contest. 19991877813

1022Genealogical TreeAutumn School Contest 200010890141

1033LabyrinthUral Championship 19996514234

1035Cross-stitchUral Championship 199911201349

1040Airline CompanyUSU Championship 200015031000

1045Funny GameUSU Local Contest. March 20002882517

1056Centers of the NetNEERC 2000 Central Subregional2718547

1065FrontierNEERC 200010041393

1069Prufer CodeUSU Personal Contest 20012650516

1072RoutingUSU Personal Contest 20012749497


1077Travelling Tours1236397

1080Map ColoringWinter Mathematical Festival Varna 20017031193

1085MeetingSpring School Contest 20012161620

1096Get the Right Route Plate!USU Local Contest. March 20011810703

1099Work Scheduling10041141

1106Two TeamsTetrahedron Team Online Contest May 2001660874

1109ConferenceBulgarian Online Contest September 20011970250

1119MetroAutumn School Contest 2001699771

1124MosaicUSU Championship 20011649298

1128Partition into GroupsUSU Championship 20011193411

1129Door PaintingUSU Championship 20011149427

1136ParliamentNEERC 2001 Central Subregional497399

1137Bus RoutesNEERC 2001 Central Subregional1515325

1145Rope in the LabyrinthDSAP Vietnam Online Contest November 20011365360

1156Two RoundsUral Championship 2001. Round 21505327

1160NetworkNEERC 2001 Northern Subregional3289152

1162Currency ExchangeNEERC 2001 Northern Subregional2359209

1176HyperchannelsUSU Personal Contest 20021455339

1182Team Them Up!NEERC 2001963511



1205By the Underground or by Foot?USU Local Contest. March 20022085237

1208Legendary Teams ContestUSU Local Contest. March 20022329213

1210Kind SpiritsAutumn School Contest 20023069163

1218Episode N-th: The Jedi TournamentUSU Championship 20021550321

1227Rally ChampionshipNEERC 2002 Central Subregional1658301

1237Evacuation PlanNEERC 2002501983

1242WerewolfUSU Personal Contest 20032820178

1250Sea BurialUSU Local Contest. March 2003684726

1254Die HardUSU Local Contest. March 2003779638

1270UnicubeUSU Championship 20032022394

1271Sailing DirectionsUSU Championship 20031004613

1272Non-Yekaterinburg SubwayUSU Championship 20033412148

1277Cops and ThievesNEERC 2003 Central Subregional632791

1280Topological SortingNEERC 2003 Central Subregional3574142

1281River BasinNEERC 2003 Central Subregional3591376

1291Gear-wheelsSpring School Contest 20041319383

1301Cube in LabyrinthUral Championship 1998675744

1314Chase in SubwayUral Championship 2004. Round 1855590

1315MDPAR and MIIARUral Championship 2004. Round 12641862

1320Graph DecompositionUral Championship 2004. Round 21767287

1323ClassmatesUral Championship 2004. Round 2611822

1325DirtUral Championship 2004. Round 2937539

1329Galactic HistoryAutumn School Contest 20041101462

1337BureaucracyAutumn School Contest 20043191559

1338AutomobilesUSU Championship 20042761799

1339BabiesUSU Championship 2004587862

1358CablesSpring School Contest 2005941541

1361Spaceology vs. ChronisticsUral Championship 2005. Round 22541952

1367Top SecretUral Championship 2005. Round 21622996

1379Cups TransportationUral Championship 2005. Round 1815626

1392Dreaming of Stars666764

1399Economical Director3410728

1400Cellular CharactersAutumn School Contest 2005935547

1416ConfidentialUSU Championship 20051294395

1419Maps of the Island WorldsUSU Championship 20054131218

1421Credit OperationsTimus Top Coders: First Challenge918543

1434Buses in VasyukiUSU Personal Contest 2006506975

1441From the History of Gringotts BankUral Championship 20064301136

1447Portkey NetworkUral Championship 2006491998

1449Credit Operations 2Timus Top Coders: Second Challenge3261480

1450Russian PipelinesTimus Top Coders: Second Challenge3183156

1479Scheduled CheckingPetrozavodsk Summer 2006. Ural+Orel Contest974502

1487Chinese FootballUSU Championship 20063701264

1500Pass LicensesNEERC 2006 Eastern Subregional744635

1505Oil TransferNEERC 2006 Eastern Subregional1532935

1527Bad RoadsPetrozavodsk Winter 2007. D.Gozman Contest3891172

1533Fat HobbitsUSU Personal Contest 20074551003

1544Classmates 3Ural Championship 20073611244

1557Network AttackPetrozavodsk Summer 2007. NSU Contest2381804

1569Networking the “Iset”USU Championship 2007465939

1575Yekaterinburg Subway 2Autumn School Contest 2007508860

1580Dean's DebtsAutumn School Contest 2007490891

1610CactusesUral Championship 20082061991

1623Fractal LabyrinthPetrozavodsk Winter 2008. ITMO Contest1233141

1630TalismanUSU Championship 20084001007

1641DutiesAutumn School Contest 2008814500

1643Attack of the Dark FortressAutumn School Contest 2008964423

1651Shortest SubchainNEERC 2008 Eastern Subregional1180345

1652Banking CrisisNEERC 2008 Eastern Subregional1412723

1664Pipeline TransportationPetrozavodsk Winter 2008. USU Contest1971966

1676Mortal KombatPetrozavodsk Summer 2008. USU Contest2221746

1691Algorithm ComplexityPetrozavodsk Winter 2009. USU Contest1143224

1699Turning TurtlesPetrozavodsk Winter 2009. USU Contest3601080

1709Penguin-AviaUral Championship 20092586153

1721Two Sides of the Same CoinNEERC 2009 Eastern Subregional654576

1742Team buildingPetrozavodsk Summer 2009. Ufa SATU Contest1216305

1770The Party of Ural ChampionsUral Championship 20102051709

1806Mobile TelegraphsNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional1737201

1833Hopes of RowingUral Championship 20111532069

1837Isenbaev's NumberUral Championship 2011565859

1847ZamkadyePetrozavodsk Summer 2010. USU Contest654353

1882Old NokiaUral Regional School Programming Contest 20111072768

1888Pilot Work ExperienceNEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional703454

1905Travel in TimeUral Championship 20122561119

1912Titan Ruins: Passing through WallsNEERC 2012 Eastern Subregional2291243

1930Ivan's CarUral Regional School Programming Contest 20121783165

1934Black SpotUral FU Championship 2012844346

1966Cycling RoadsUral FU Personal Contest 2013404675

1980Road to InvestorUral Championship 2013430629

1982Electrification PlanUral FU Championship 20132036133

2013Neither shaken nor stirredNEERC 2014 Eastern Subregional257924

2017Best of a bad lotNEERC 2014 Eastern Subregional1771319

2030Awesome Backup SystemUral Regional School Programming Contest 2014486496

2034CaravansUral Regional School Programming Contest 2014839289

2038Minimum Vertex CoverPetrozavodsk Summer 2014. Ural FU Dandelion Contest932372

2055Urban GeographyUral Championship 20151481475

2093All Roads Lead to SnowdriftUral FU Personal Contest 20141461313

2113Survive the floodUniversity academic school olympiad in informatics 2019346401

2127Determinant of a GraphPetrozavodsk Summer 2018. umnik_team Contest283703

2128Rubina's SolitaireLater is better than never134946

2132Graph Decomposition. Version 2Later is better than never841449

2140BitMazeCraftUral School Programming Contest 20191091103

2147City BuildingUral School Programming Contest 2019621823

2155QuadrocopterUral School Programming Contest 202099960

2159EssayUral School Programming Contest 2021321297

2169City Building 2Ural School Programming Contest 2022181943