Subject | Author | Problem | Updated | Answers |
No subject | IgorKoval(from Pskov) | 1666. Vasya Ferrari | 5 May 2012 02:09 | 0 |
С чем связано неиспользование в A380 буквы "I" в номере ? | Шмиг Андрей aka SyFyKid [ВлГУ, ФРЭМТ, БМИ] | 1893. A380 | 4 May 2012 21:01 | 1 |
Why all problems' difficulty equals to 0 ? | Шмиг Андрей aka SyFyKid [ВлГУ] | | 4 May 2012 20:01 | 0 |
WA#13 It's unfair | Sid | 1183. Brackets Sequence | 4 May 2012 19:29 | 1 |
test 30 | isolver | 1711. Code Names | 4 May 2012 18:15 | 0 |
WA or RE or TLE #4 | Vyacheslav Kim | 1147. Shaping Regions | 4 May 2012 17:08 | 0 |
Problem 1147 "Shaping Regions". Timelimit changed | Vladimir Yakovlev (USU) | 1147. Shaping Regions | 4 May 2012 14:39 | 0 |
for help wrong answer | beyondliyang | 1001. Reverse Root | 4 May 2012 14:14 | 0 |
it say wrong answer,but I have try many numbers! | beyondliyang | 1001. Reverse Root | 4 May 2012 13:34 | 0 |
what is the third test? | Denis Astanin (KPI) | 1362. Classmates 2 | 4 May 2012 12:32 | 1 |
wrong answer test 3 | 4ever_young | 1001. Reverse Root | 4 May 2012 09:57 | 1 |
what's wrong it is?I hava ran in VS2008 successful! | beyondliyang | 1001. Reverse Root | 4 May 2012 09:47 | 0 |
Question about statement | 2rf [Perm School #9] | 1212. Battleship | 4 May 2012 04:38 | 4 |
What a disappointing problem | SquidBoy | 1873. GOV Chronicles | 3 May 2012 05:22 | 0 |
Why WA? | Georgeek | 1432. Twofold Luck | 3 May 2012 01:28 | 1 |
why compilation error ? I wrote in C# | Jojas | 1083. Factorials!!! | 2 May 2012 22:11 | 1 |
WA Test 3 | Paul Lysenko | 1269. Obscene Words Filter | 2 May 2012 21:58 | 0 |
WA#1 But i test it myself and it works!! TwT | makeshiftching | 1049. Brave Balloonists | 2 May 2012 18:37 | 0 |
Help! Why WA at 4?(+) | SPIRiT | 1212. Battleship | 1 May 2012 20:47 | 3 |
Correct answer for test | _-Re@l-_ | 1685. Orthography | 1 May 2012 15:53 | 2 |