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Переход с компилятора Intel C++ 7 на компиляторы G++ 4.7.2 и Visual C++ 2010Vasilenko Oleg Sergeevich, Chelyabinsk1711. Code Names13 Oct 2013 18:190  
Переход с компилятора Intel C++ 7 на компиляторы G++ 4.7.2 и Visual C++ 2010Vasilenko Oleg Sergeevich, Chelyabinsk1546. Japanese Sorting13 Oct 2013 18:180  
why c++ use vector<double> got access violation?tcltsh1001. Reverse Root13 Oct 2013 15:381  
Wrong Answer 10it1709941119. Metro12 Oct 2013 19:060  
Could ADMIN show the TEST#8?YSYMYTH1741. Communication Fiend12 Oct 2013 11:031  
I've got AC without precalculating array ... 0.046 secTolstiy_BSU1268. Little Chu12 Oct 2013 08:5310  
Precalc?Arseniy1260. Nudnik Photographer12 Oct 2013 00:280  
wrong answer 6?Minh Tri1119. Metro11 Oct 2013 21:023  
what is test#1 - -tqti1079. Maximum11 Oct 2013 20:580  
1068. Sum - JavaAlex1068. Sum11 Oct 2013 15:413  
Test 7Nakatengga1971. Graphics Settings11 Oct 2013 00:190  
Hint. rydah1753. Bookshelf10 Oct 2013 16:210  
Почему нет возврата ошибки при Runtime Errorvpuhoff10 Oct 2013 14:201  
Нет признака завершения ввода набора данныхvpuhoff1001. Reverse Root10 Oct 2013 14:021  
WA 8Guzh1290. Sabotage9 Oct 2013 23:340  
(2 ^ k) * (n ^ 2) works in 0.171Bekzhan1500. Pass Licenses9 Oct 2013 03:071  
AC......but too slow!Yu YuanMing1326. Bottle Taps8 Oct 2013 23:084  
What is the answer for this test?pmartynov1326. Bottle Taps8 Oct 2013 23:042  
VERY Important HIINT for C++ solvers.198808xc1177. Like Comparisons8 Oct 2013 21:281  
TLE27kostan31275. Knights of the Round Table8 Oct 2013 20:170  

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